I now want to come back and start getting into things again. - Sonam Kapoor on her comeback

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,January 21 2023]

Actress Sonam Kapoor has been away from the big screen for a few years now. Last year she and her husband Anand Ahuja welcomed their first child in the family and Sonam feels that she is now ready to get back on sets after this nice break. She will soon be seen in filmmaker Sujoy Ghosh's blind.

In a recent conversation with PTI, Sonam stated, Honestly, It’s been a nice break. I’ve been doing this since I was so young, but I now want to come back and start getting into things again.

She added, I did a film right before I got pregnant, now it’s releasing. I’m dying to get back on set because that’s what I’ve done most of my adult life. My film is going to come out soon. Sujoy (Sujoy Ghosh) is the creative producer. It’s a thriller and I’m excited for people to see it. Remake of a Korean film of same name, 'Blind' is directed by Shome Makhija and it'll revolve around a blind police officer trying to nab a serial killer.

When asked when she'll start sharing pictures of her son Vayu on social media, Sonam said, “I don’t think till he’s grown up. In fact, it’ll be when he decides himself.